Integrating Sphere

High-Accuracy, High-Sensitivity 4π/2π Integrating Sphere

STS Integrating Sphere

STS Integrating Sphere

Our Integrating Sphere system can test light sources totally within the sphere (4π) or external to the sphere (2π).

  • 60" Diameter (36" Diameter and other sizes available with limited part size testing)

  • Multi-Positional: Rotating for Horizontal, Base Up or Base Down Positions

  • External (2π) mounting of directional sources eliminates heating and self absorption concerns

  • Directional Lamps: Recessed Lighting, Projector Bulbs, Floodlights, etc.

  • Luminaries: Parking Lot Lamps, Warehouse Lamps, etc.

  • Up to 4' Fluorescent Tubes

  • Incandescents

  • Sodium Lamps

  • HIDs

  • LEDs

Interested in learning more about our integrating sphere?